Friday, November 24, 2006

Being Thankful

I was going to write a blog on being thankful earlier, but instead did something else. Now after spending the day playing board games with my sons and their families, I will share some of my being thankful items here, if you do not mind.

I am thankful for bills as it means I have a job and creditors trust me, and the Universe provides me with an abundance to share with others.

I am thankful for my family, friends and all the people in my life
I am thankful for my many teachers in life that taught me;
To be loving from the unloving
To be forgiving from the unforgiving
Being nonjudgmental from the judgmental
Compassion from the uncompassionate
Silence from the talkative
Tolerance from the intolerant
Kindness from the unkind
Love from the angry one
Patience from the impatient kind
Acceptance from the judgmental
Being positive from the negative teachers
Faith from the fearful
Honesty from the liars
Charity from the hardhearted
Humility from the self-important
To be open minded from the close minded
To see gifts and opportunities instead of trouble
To see solutions instead of problems

I bless my teachers and thank them for the gifts and opportunities of learning that each and every one of them brings to me.

I am thankful for this moment, as it is the only one that I choose to live in, yesterday is but an illusion and tomorrow is but a dream.

1 comment:

Admin said...

nice post! very sweet.