Saturday, March 03, 2007

House cleaning

Last Week I threw out Worrying,
It was getting old and in the way.
It kept me from being me;
I couldn't do things my way.

I threw out those Inhibitions;
They were just crowding me out.
Made room for my New Growth,
Got rid of my old dreams and doubts.

I threw out a book on MY PAST
(didn't have time to read it anyway).
Replaced it with New Goals,
Started reading it today.
I threw out childhood toys
(remember how I treasured them so)?

Got me a NEW PHILOSOPHY too,
Threw out the one from long ago.
Bought in some new books too,
Called I CAN, I WILL, and I MUST.
Threw out I might, I think and I ought.
WOW, You should've seen the dust.

I picked up this special thing
And placed it at the front door.
I FOUND IT - its called PEACE.
Nothing gets me down anymore.

Yes, I've got my house looking nice.
Looks good around the place.
For things like Worry and Trouble
There just isn't any place.

Its good to do a little house cleaning,
Get rid of the old things on the shelf.
It sure makes things brighter;
Maybe you should TRY IT YOURSELF.
Photo; Hermit's Retreat @ Grand Canyon


QUASAR9 said...

Hi Jimmy James,
I know it is often said that we live in the consumer society, which has become a throw away society.
Gosh, in days not so long ago we loooked forward to owning a wrist watch, a pair of new boots, or a wooly jumper knitted by nan for Xmas

But even in days of old things followed the seasons.
Spring Clean, was not just about the dust, but clearing the old 'clutter'
For sure for sure safely putting away those things from winter we need no more (for next winter) and bringing out the 'lighter' garb.

But also as tress shed their leaves in autumn and in spring we seem the new stems, sprouting to the rays of the warm sun and later blooming with the colours of the new season ...

In days of old one would burn old furniture (recycle) - and make way for new works of art, crafts and furniture to be made, bought & sold

QUASAR9 said...

Love the Ole fireplace though.
It seems no matter how much spring cleaning we do, we always hold on to more than we need. Today's paper is tomorroes clutter, unless you have a good fireplace. lol!

But I do sometimes whish I could strip the whole place down to the wall, and only insert the things that are essential and easy to wipe clean. Including the PC which opens global windows - of course

Katie McKenna said...

What a fabulous post Jimmy James!

I believe in traveling light.

I am , shedding as we speak. Life is good.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Gosh I would like that. Thank you for all of your supportive comments to me.

Anonymous said...

i love this! ~ruby

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is just what I needed to read. That is exactly what I have been going through lately and have made the decision to let go of the past and grow up. I want to print this out and put over my computer, is that all right to print it?