Meowooooowowoo, My old master’s husband and his daughters were over last weekend and it was nice to see them. Though I would rather have seen mommy. One of the daughters said I was getting “fat” and that hurt my feelings a lot. Yes, it is the man’s fault you know, he puts the food out and I eat it. Isn’t that what I am supposed to do? Bobo, who is the other cat around here, just eats and eats, and eats, and is skinny as a rail. It is just not fair. But, I am not alone, one of the man’s friend said he was getting fat also.
Bobo is one of the grandsons’ of the man, whose mommy found he is allergic to cats and dogs. So the family asked if Bobo could live here with me. The man is a nice man, but he does have one fault or two, and one of them is not saying “No” Sometimes, I wonder if it is even in his vocabulary.
The weather has been cold, and I have been snuggling in blankets to stay warm. Last night it was -16 below, and right now it is -14. The man was at an all day board meeting yesterday to plan things out for the next month or two and got home late. He is the reason I am late in posting my Sammy Friday.
I saw on the early news that Obama is going to make a run for the White House. Why not walk? It sounds like it is almost 2 years away, and from my kitty sense it would be smarter to walk than run the whole time. But, I like Obama, he is candid, thinks fast, and appears clean and has character.
I went for a ride with the man, and saw a billboard about “fighting global warming” Now, while I do think that global warming is a problem, why do you fight it. Wouldn’t you work together to solve the problem. Mom nature is more powerful than you humans are, and any fight will yield mom as the winner. Maybe, you folks need to think about aligning yourselves with mom nature and you both would win.
Here is my affirmation for the week:
I am gentle and kind with myself as I grow and change.
meoweeeooooo - have fine day...............
Beautiful cat. I liked your photos of the lake and lighthouse as well.
Thanks for stopping by. I love lighthouses and water. The ones along the oceans can be breathtaking views.
Thanks for stopping by
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