Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day


Daydream believer said...

Where do you find such pretty pictures?

Willow said...

Hi, JimmyJames,

I love the picture, and I have enjoyed your blog. I hope you don't mind that I am adding it to my short but (hopefully) growing list of blogs that I like to visit.

It's been nice "meeting" you, and I love the picture of yourself in your profile!

Sincerely, Willow

Jim Wilkins said...

The pretty pictures are provided by the Univese in many myriad avenues. Some of them are just awesome phots meant to be shared.

Welcome and I am honored to be linked to your blog.
He is kind of a "lovable" character, has some soft spots as well as the implied "thorns."

Thanks for stopping by

Katie McKenna said...

Wow! Truly spectacular!

QUASAR9 said...

Wow JimJam awesome!
Gonna have to beg to borrow that beautiful pic for my Saturday post

I will this place a mention

Jim Wilkins said...

Katie, Thanks for stopping by again. I loved the swans and the colors and this was more romantic and eitted "love" than anything eles for me.

You are welcome to any picture on this blog, you ahve given me some via links for my other blog. For me, the Tao fits with galaxies, planets, and solar systems, and with 80+ verses, I am using all sources for some good pics. You really have some good ones over there, as well as some really good info. I love ypur blog!

Mystic Rose said...

that is one of the most beautiful pics ive seen..:)

reminds me of apost..hope you odnt mind if i give the link here..

ofcourse, nowhere near as beautiful as this pic..:0

have a nice weekend!

Mystic Rose said...

Oh..and can i copy that pic?

Cindy said...

Quasar did indeed "place a mention"- which is where I saw the picture. It's beautiful! Did you take it yourself?

Jim Wilkins said...

While I like taking pictures, this one in not one of mine. It came in on an email of "God Paints" pictures. The 1st email set appears earlier in my blog, and this one appearred in another later email that came across my desk. It is an awesome picture!

Jim Wilkins said...

Yes, Mystic Rose you can copy the picture and any other picture that appears on my blog that you take a fancy to.