Monday, April 02, 2007

Less is better than More

In the beginning we think “more” is the answer to our perception of not having enough. More money, more activity, more lovemaking. But, in time, we learn that “less” works better. Less stimulation, fewer relationships, less activity all lead to the deepening of our experience. When we focus deeply on what happens, we assimilate it fully. Then, we feel satisfied. We know that we have had enough. We don’t need more.


Katie McKenna said...

more being relative. Based on our perceptions....

I believe that as long as the depth of real is there, in the sense of love and sharing, then more is fine.

Less can be better than more.

On owning things? Less is definitely more.

Less stimulation ( reminds me of noise polution) sounds good to me.

Fewer relationships? Well, I've always been selective.

When does "more" become an addiction?

Do you believe that simply because one wants something everyday that is too much? Or would the answer depend on the subject?

I don't believe more is the answer to everything... or necessarily anything.

Interesting pst! Thank you!

Jim Wilkins said...

I would say being in balance is the answer to most things. If by owning things, they own you, then anything is too much. More becomes addictive when it becomes an obsession. This is a post by Paul Ferrini that I get, and I had to pause at the lovemaking and think on that one a bit. When one is young, the hormones are running rampant so who is too judge if more is wrong. And as one ages, then is less right? Since this one is about two people, that would then depend on their relationship, etc.

Katie McKenna said...

Well, that was another thing that crossed my mind... because if it doesn't "fit" me, then I'm setting someone else's boundaries and limitations as my own.

As a guidance this would be fine. Being in balance my desire and goal.