Saturday, January 21, 2023

Gramps Remembers

 Swingin’ on a Hook

The Law of Attraction talks about what we think about will manifest into our lives. We will see what we focus or “lock on” to with our thoughts. Some folks think of ships carrying their treasures, with such statements as “when my ship comes in.” My dad used “Someday when my ship comes in I’ll…………………”  I never knew what was on his ship, as he never finished the sentence for me and it did not appear to come in. Maybe it did, and he had sought some other “treasure” than I was used to seeing when younger.

Several years ago, I was in Portland, Maine on vacation and took a tour of the harbor. It was the Lovers Lighthouse Tour, and as the seas being choppy we never left the harbor, but we did see a lot of lighthouses and sights of local interest. The skipper gave us good explanations of what we were seeing, and off in the distance were several freighters that were at anchor.

In the harbor I saw crab fisherman tending nets, the old forts to protect the harbor during WWII, numerous smaller lighthouses, huge gun batteries on shore, and islands used by permanent residents as well as tourists. But what struck me was the skipper’s description of the freighters at anchor. He referred to them as “swingin’ on a hook” as they were just waiting outside the harbor for favorable prices for the goods that were in their holds. 

The country or business they were here to deliver the goods for were in phone contact with the freighters skippers, and would issue the order to unload when prices became most favorable for them. Until then, they rested at anchor, or “swingin’ on a hook” in nautical terms.  Once the order was given, then the freighters would pull anchor and head into the harbor, dock, and unload their goods to the warehouses, etc.

The whole sequence of events made me realize that this is the Law of Attraction. Except instead of the ship being off somewhere on the high seas, it is actually in our harbor or sphere of energy, and all we need to do is give the order to the universe to dock and unload. This is the allowing aspect of the Law of Attraction.

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