This week brought an end to 15 years of working for a leading construction company that has been hit by the bubble burst of home construction industry in
So now I ride a different wave, and that is one of possibilities and doors to open. The reality is the work environment had become very negatively charged as good folks wondered and feared about more cuts. “Would I be one of them? How can I protect my job?” I know that with this door now closed, I can now start an active pursuit of possibilities for a new place to use my craft and put to use my abilities. I can decide if I want a new career, or stick with my current career path as a seasoned cost estimator. The world is my oyster and the possibilities are endless.
When I was givin the news, my 1st reaction was rejection lasting almost an hour, and then the idea hit me, that all I was free, “free at last!” to leave all of the negative energy behind and make new choices and decide for myself what would show up in my life. I have 4 weeks paid vacation coming, and the need to make any quick decisions is not paramount. My 1st decision is to be like the tortoise, proceeding slowly and surely as the Universe reveals its possibilities for me to choose from. I shall be riding the wave as the days and weeks unfold. Life is GREAT!!!